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Web site editor

Responsables : Labat-merle s.a.

2 bis rue de Casablanca – ZI Casablanca

40230 – Saint Vincent de Tyrosse

Tél. : 05 58 77 48 22

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Capital : 1 007 080,00 €

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Development and production

Agence WordPress  Be Com’ Different
8 bd Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
40990 Saint-Paul-lès-Dax
SIRET : 795 150 358 00021


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Declaration to the CNIL

This site is in conformity with Deliberation n ° 2006-138 of May 9, 2006 deciding on the exemption from the declaration of treatments constituted for information or external communication (Exemption from declaration n ° 7) – JORF n ° 128 of 3 June 2006 – text No 80. Exemption No 7 concerns the processing of personal data by any private or public body for the purposes of information and external communication. It applies to institutional websites and contact files.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you (art.34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés”). To exercise this right, please contact:

Labat-merle s.a.

2 bis rue de Casablanca – ZI Casablanca

40230 – Saint Vincent de Tyrosse

Tél. : 05 58 77 48 22


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